Mr. Kigundu Salim is the Operations Director at ITWS Specialists Uganda Limited and bring the expertise of 20 years in managing communities and youth; he is involved in different day-to-day operation activities of the company such as overseeing daily company activities and projects, in charge of technical people and assigning them different tasks.
Salim worked as a Business Support Assistant for IT Operations with UN World Food Programme (UNWFP) for 3 years where he was responsible for delivering standard IT support services in the target Offices and supporting Field IT Operations in line with the UNWFP’s standard operating procedures during the beneficiary verification at the assistance distribution points.
He also served in a position of IT Officer at Uganda Posta Limited for 4 years in the capacity of supporting the IT business activities (setup & configuration) in the company with head office in Kampala and 300 outlets across the country.
Salim worked with Cyber School Technology as a regional training manager in Northern Uganda (2009- 2011), where he was responsible for general project operations such as school assessment, sensitization of stakeholders (head teachers & inspectors), training of project coordinators and end users (teachers & students), follow up to class, progress review meetings and workshops with stake holders (students, teachers, district education officers, curriculum developer and ministry officials), hardware delivery, repair, set up and software installation.